Linda - Surgical Weight Loss Success Experts in LITTLE MOMENTS FRYE REGIONAL SURGICAL WEIGHT LOSS Join us for a seminar in Statesville Now my granddaughters can wrap their arms around my waist. Learn more about our surgical weight loss program and meet some of our team of experts. Little moments happen each day. But for individuals like Linda who once struggled with their weight, achieving life's little moments can be challenging. Our Surgical Weight Loss Program is here to help-using a personalized approach that has helped thousands of people become healthier. Thursday, Aug 23 6:30 pm At Frye Regional, we have board-certified bariatric surgeons and an experienced team who care for Linda and others in our community with weight issues. We're not just experts in weight loss surgery. We're experts in creating your little moments. To register, call 828.315.3391 Watch Linda's story at his fality andit affiiates complywith applicable Federal dovl rights laws anddoes not discriminate on the basis of ace,color, national origin, age, disablity, orsex ATENCION: si habla español, tiene a su disposicón senvicios gratuitos de asistencia lingúistica. Llame al 1-828-315-5000 (ITY: 1-800-205-9920) :,,1-828-315-5000(TTY: 1-800-205-9920),